Squier Studios

Our Gear List

Welcome to our gear list for wedding and portrait photography in Colorado Springs, Colorado! You can see the gear by clicking the link above, or by As a professional photographer in Colorado Springs since 2006, I love helping budding photographers start their businesses. When I first started out, it seemed like help was nowhere to be found. I promised myself that once I was established, I would do whatever I could to help other photographers get a head start so they could avoid making some of the mistakes I've made along the way. This gear list is a part of fulfilling that promise! Without the proper gear, it's hard to get a start on the business. Please note, if you buy something from this list, I may get a small portion of the proceeds of the sale.

Squier Studios

15025 Hilton Head Ct. Colorado Springs, CO 80921 - (719) 648-2152 - amanda@squierstudio.com