Squier Studios

Senior Model Application


SENIOR MODEL INFORMATION: Squier Studios is looking for FUN seniors interested in spreading the word about us to your friends, coworkers, teammates and classmates. I will be collecting applications until April 15, 2025 from anyone wanting to be considered as one of my reps. I will choose a max of one male and one female student from each local high school.

Want to have 2 free photo sessions? Want to have some great images for your socials? Want to get free prints? If accepted, you will be representing Squier Studios, telling your friends about our Senior Sessions throughout your senior year. For every friend you refer us to, you will receive a special discount towards printed images and digital jpg files.

In order to be a senior rep, you MUST:

  • Be a current high school junior graduating in 2026.
  • Be available to have one session completed before May 31, 2025.
  • Agree to tell your friends and classmates about Squier Studios and share your senior portraits with them.
  • Have your parents or legal guardians sign a model release form, and agree to an in person viewing session from your portrait session.
  • Agree to represent ONLY Squier Studios and use these images as your senior pictures.
  • If you are selected as a senior model, you will need to pay a $99 reservation fee to secure the dates of your photoshoots. This will be returned to you in the form of image credit at your reveal.

*Must live in Monument, Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, or Woodland Park or within 20 minutes of one of these.

As part of our senior rep program you will receive the following:

  • Two free photo sessions. The first will be a mini session in the spring of 2025 to help you recruit friends, teammates, coworkers, etc. The second photoshoot will be your SENIOR SESSION! This is when you get to cash in on your referral credits. If you don't send any referrals, you don't get any credits beyond your reservation fee, and you/your parents agree to pay-as-they-go for the images they love from your senior session, or for any remaining amount due.
  • The opportunity to earn print credits for every person you refer to us for senior portraits.
  • 50 personalized referral cards to give to friends, teammates, coworkers, and classmates with your name, your portraits, and our Business information to hand out to friends
  • Several of our favorite photos as low-resolution files to share on your social media.

Referral Discounts Earn a $100 print/digital credit for every Class of 2026 Senior that you refer to Squier Studios. Referral credits are redeemable towards digital or printed image credit. If no referral credits are earned, full pricing applies. You can review our pricing menu below our application form.

Full Senior Pricing Menu

Squier Studios

15025 Hilton Head Ct. Colorado Springs, CO 80921 - (719) 648-2152 - amanda@squierstudio.com